Hillary Wins Pennsylvania!

In a not-entirely-shocking turn of events, Hillary won the hearts of 55.7% of Pennsylvania's democrats (AP). In a slightly more shocking turn of events, she managed to take a selfie with me on my incredibly broken cell-phone (it looks like I'm photobombing! I'm not! It's my phone!). While I knew I wouldn't be able to actually vote myself, I was really looking forward to pressing the big VOTE button today. Unfortunately, neither of my parents got to vote because my dad was in the hospital, but we still pulled off a victory!
Hillary addressed the crowd sometime after 8:30; Bill, Governor Wolf, Mayor Kenney, and Senator Casey were at her side. She gave a pretty classic winner's speech, and said "We have much more that unites us than divides us."
 I cried. I screamed. I nearly pulled Bill Clinton's ring off by accident. It was a good time.
Possibly more exciting than meeting Hillary, was meeting her assistant, Huma Abedin. Is that horrible of me? I saw her as the crowd cleared, looking just as beautiful as she did in the blog post I wrote about her several weeks ago. She seemed slightly confused when I asked for a picture, but she was happy to take one. I nearly died, and had to sit down for a good five minutes before I could stop shaking and leave. 
I don't have much substance to report, just my own excitement. I can't wait until the convention, I can't wait for November, and I cannot wait to call her Madam President.

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